Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh Not So Epic Proportions

Where to start, where to start.
I am currently preparing for a small fashion show on the 15th of January, at Vanguard.  Its going to be an epic night, and also my second fashion show since I have moved to Los Angeles!

Friends and your friends all need to be there to support me! You must get there before 10pm though or you will be forced to pay $15-$20 entry fee!!!!  So get there early people!

I dyed my hair and I love it!

I went to the fashion district today and bought some tights that are sheer green and sheer peach!  Oh and of course every girl should own fishnets, no matter what!  I am also in the market for new hair extensions and none have popped out at me yet!

I want to visit marie nails soon, I hear they do that japanese nail design that everyone keeps being so secretive about!

So I also finally got to go to WOnderland in Hollywood with Nikki, of course! and we met up with some really great, sexy eyed kind of people. Also two of the kids from Glee were there and they looked like they were having a blast.  I didn't want to seem as crazy as everyone else, so I stayed away.  For the record, non-crazy people hardly get noticed, so its time to be my crazy self and DANCE! hahaha (not to be contradictory or anything ;)


Peace Chicken Grease xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I want to go to the fashion district when I get back. Can we go?
