Sunday, November 29, 2009

One Month.

In the last month I have been at my lowest. Insecure, vulnerable, scared and unappreciated. Its been a crazy time out here in LA and due to one comment by my past "amour," I can't give up. Even if it means I have to stay in this city until I die!
The fire was not a life changing experience, I slumped back into my usual laziness and took for granted most things.
No matter though! I am forever now in a new light. I enjoy movies and because I like them so much I want to crate something to selfishly make me feel good. I miss modeling and makeup at times because I was so busy with it in Florida. Out here I have minimal contacts because I wasn't trying hard enough. Without school I guess people just loose their minds and grow up because they have no social activity around them. Seriously look around to the happy go lucky's of this world, they have things to do.
So here is my new proposal, and hopefully a new resolution with the coming new year; Anyone who wants to work with me, shall. Thats right. I am going to be "yes woman" from here on out. I am 22 years young and I need to start acting like! If you have a place for friends do share and we shall forever be friends and acquaintances!

Currently I am dying my hair. ooooo what is it? You'll have to wait and see!

On another memo, I have also forever sworn off CWM. Yes they are initials. It will never happen again and this time I mean it. We will never be a t the right place at the right time. Sad, I now, but it needed to be put to rest. Long lost loves shall forever stay... lost.

My little sister is my motivation, she knows how to dream.