Monday, November 5, 2012

The holidays

I hate em. I always put effort into the wrong things and there's always a male in my life around this time that I shouldn't give two shits about but end up bending in every direction I can for them.

Not this year. I will kiss a girl on New Years if it comes down to it.

My heart wants to be in love and I have to keep telling it to wait. It hates me for it most of the time, but this time it realizes why it needs to spend time out in a corner. 'You love too hard' said a good friend of mine. So I've decided that I have expectations now and you can thank the ones before. I am done just going with the flow. Men don't want that anyway. If you thought anything was hard in life be forewarned that I am not an exception to that rule anymore. If you don't want to spend your time with me then you can suck it. And if I get s txt saying you're sorry you can for sure assume the position to fuck yourself. Words do not speak louder than actions. Recognize, live it love it.

In the spirit of giving I will promise one thing; to give to whom deserve and to stay neutral and use avoidance to those you do not.

Happy holidays, 2012 is coming to an end, I cannot wait for the year that I can say 'I wish [this year]it would never end.' But for now, lets get this bullshit over and done with.