Monday, July 12, 2010

Gotta Keep Movin On.

I write to escape.  

I watched a really under rated movie tonight.  Its been on Hulu for almost a year now.  I kept seeing ads for it and thought it was a porn.  I was wrong.  Now I am wondering if it has won any awards.

"Real Life Ain't Like the Movies... Life is just a bunch of stories you go thru and they all end sooner or later."
-  Stevie Long as "Stanny" in Strictly Sexual.

I don't know why, but I teared up a little at the end of this movie.  Thats a lie... I do know why and to clear it up a little bit, the first thing I wrote down was "How do I be better at me?"  Depressing?  I'm not sure.  All I can tell from my reaction is that I am terrible at everything when it comes to dating.  Yeah, I am pretty entertaining, but there is never meeting half way.  I'm attracted, but don't know if I'm serious.  I want to be serious, but I don't know what to do after the initial flirting and getting to know the persons last name... I never feel good enough and anyone who knows me will tell you otherwise.  I just don't know what I am so unsure about!

Although there is always someone I am interested in, or two, or three... I never am able to be alright with just one due to the fear of rejection.  Absolute confidence shaking.  Then I feel like a hypocrite when I can't help getting jealous if they have two or three.  Its a never ending cycle that I can't get out of.

You want to be original and exciting and thought provoking so you can keep the conversation light and fun.  But I can't do all the work all the time... I want someone who is interested in talking back to me about what they want.  I keep finding these really great guys, but have no idea how to keep them around.  Everyone always says "be yourself," and this whole time I believed that doing just that was enough.  Now I come to find you have to compromise and share.  Some of the blame is on me.

I say I hate playing games, and I always seem to get the "you're confusing" line.  I'm either too witty for my own good or I have no idea what I am talking about.  A pet peeve of mine.  Another, when I am talking to someone and they get back to me on all different forms of media... I just want a phone call.

You would think this was me complaining a lot about something I wasn't shaken by, but here I am putting me down.  Its weird and I think I need a vacation.  Aside from that I really do like someone, or I think I do.  Its not helping when he is kind of "hanging out" with another girl who is probably amazing as me, but I feel like I am in a game show like wipeout or ninja warrior... I guess I am going with the flow too much and not really figuring out what I want.

So there you go.  Thats why I teared up... Stupid life quote.

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