Friday, June 25, 2010

Hollywood and TV Shows

The life and times of my viewing pleasure on Hulu:

I was a hermit for about 3 months while I was watching all 6 seasons of LOST.  Though now I couldn't even tell you the names of half the cast because I have actually blocked most of that emotional roller coaster/time warping hullabaloo!  Though I can still rank my top favorite shows based on storyline, character rise/demise, comedy, and actors.  I know, you may think it was or still is a waste of time, but I beg to differ.  If I watch drama happen on TV, it hardly ever happens in the mitst of my own life. So here we go!

Number 10.  THE SIMPSONS
-Still holding strong after 464 episodes, it still makes me laugh out loud.

Number 9.  FAMILY GUY
-It is just impressive how the creators stay true to themselves and fuck with everyone else to the limits of broadcasting substandards.

-I hated it at first, but I cant help but to slip into a conversation with out bring up ASiP!

Number 7.  LOST
-Again, with all my hermitting why is it not #1?  READ ON!

Number 6.  GLEE
-I know what you're thinking, "I thought she'd put it as #1, wrong, it is amazing, yes, but I think everyone is tired of hearing about how much I like Glee, but it is an amazing show!

Number 5.  JUSTIFIED
-Gotta love those westerns.  I mean seriously, this show has the drama of extremes.

Number 4.  COMMUNITY
-After an awful start this show had turned the heads and bent over to cough.  I love it!

Number 3.  THE OFFICE
-Its been on top for every season its on.  Too many characters to love!

Number 2.  30 ROCK
-Tina Fey is a genius.



ok, you got it.

Number 1.  PARKS AND REC
-DUH!  I mean Amy Poehler is my hero.

So Some honorable mentions:

KYLE XY, I'm hooked on Matt Dallas, even if he is (Gay) shhh!

Things that have had a long enough run:
Gossip Girl.

Shows that should be cancelled:
Pretty Little Liars, its basically SORORITY ROW TURNED TV SHOW, HOW WILL IT END!?!?!?
The Gates No offense, but Vampires will probably become real if any more shows or movies are made about them!

Hope you enjoyed!!!

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