Monday, April 9, 2012

A Little Bit Abrassive

I am becoming more and more aware of human interaction as you swim by in your mid twenties.  I have been searching for a photographer\ friend to help me on projects.  One for some reason I always feel selfish.  I would like to get back into the modeling thing, but I am a bit skeptical when it comes to online posts.  Why is everyone so up front about having their time wasted? First of all, if you are posting tfp or tfcd then you probably have no right to inform your future potential clients  with how uncaring and unsympathetic you are immediately when asking for them to do something for free.  Its made no sence to me.  Blah blah blah, who cares, unless its a planned shoot with equiptment no one can afford then quit your bitching and just be nicer in your posts.  People are not going to take those posts lightly bc if they were smart and had any idea what they wanted out of the session, you wont be getting very many reliable clients.  I personally believe it to be rude and unprofessional to call out your future clients before you've even had the chance to discuss the project.  Oh, and one more thing, quit posting info-less statements.  Be a little more descriptive when you`re looking for professionals and not murder victims.

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